Eaton Fire UpdatesMany Thanks for DonationsWe have been receiving many donations from neighbors, friends, and sangha members from all over! We at PBT are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for our friends and neighbors that have lost their homes, or have been displaced by the fires. Over the past week we have had meal deliveries from our friends at Azay Restaurant and the Japanese American Cultural Community Center. While the temple was in the Red Evacuation Zone we have been grateful to the Pasadena Japanese Cultural Institute who has allowed us to take delivery and distribute meals there. For the time being, many of our fire survivors are unable to return home. Many have no where to store large items. It may be months before they can secure long-term housing until their homes are repaired or find another rental. If you have any leads for the possibility to rent housing (especially those that accept pets) or storage (garage?) please email the temple at [email protected].
"We are all of ONE Sangha" is what Bryan Furumoto said today as he delivered truckloads of goods at PBT. The timing was great! Today there was a meal delivery/pick-up organized by the JACCC. So those that came to pick up a wonderful meal got to pick up some items to take "home". Sensei also has started to distribute the gift cards donated by the Buddhist Temple of San Diego and others to those that have been impacted by this fire. Everyone was very thankful. Gassho! Pasadena Buddhist Temple Photos shared with PBT by Sangha and Friends ... |
Pasadena Buddhist Temple * 1993 Glen Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103 * (626) 798-4781 * [email protected]