The Pasadena Junior YBA
Junior YBA is a unique way for teenagers in high school to experience and learn about Buddhism. Our Junior YBA members connect with other Temple's Junior YBA groups and attend various seminars and social events. Our current President is Panther Jones, and Religious Chair is Ren Gibbs. Contact Kyoko Gibbs, Jr YBA advisor if you have any questions!
Ren Gibbs and Lia Meza were awarded the Amy Utsunomiya Service Award during service. It was presented to them by Wade Utsunomiya.
2021 Jr YBA Seminar - CoHosted by Pasadena & Oxnard Buddhist Temples
2019 Jr YBA Seminar - Arizona Buddhist Temple
Arizona JrY hosted 70+ kids from Southern District for Seminar 1 MLK weekend, January 19-20. The theme was "Gassho Thy Neighbor." Asst Reverends Lynn Sugiyama, Vonn Magnin and Michael Tang gave Dharma talks and held HoOnko Service on Sunday. A good time was had by all!