We are located at 1993 Glen Ave, Pasadena 91103 • 626-798-4781 (office)Click on "Directions" in our interactive map to get directions from your starting location.
Dana (self-less giving) Opportunities
Tuesday mornings: Classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, hondo, yardwork, general repairs. Organizations (Temple, BWA, Dharma School, Jr. YBA/Sangha Teens) should provide toban (work team) volunteers to help with these clean-ups during their service chair months.
General clean-up (SOHJI), windows, altar adornments, gardens, usually held in July & December (dates TBA). Wish-List: Donations of items or dollars to purchase items needed by the Board or minister for the office, classrooms, gym or facilities. Please see the current Hikari for current Wish List items. Fund-raising events: Volunteers are always welcome to help at any or all of our fund-raising events. Please don't wait to be called. Call the event chair with your available hours. Service Chairs: Each of the main organizations: BWA, Temple, Dharma School, Jr. YBA/Sangha Teens, provide service chairs for assigned months during the year. Each organization should provide altar flowers during their month of service chair. Individual chairs should bring 4 pairs of fruit (& rice, if needed) before service. Flowers and Osonai Donation: If you are not comfortable chairing a service, think about making a monetary donation towards the purchase of the altar flowers and osonae for the temple altar. Car or Vehicle Donation: You can donate an unwanted/unused vehicle to the temple. Information on the Fundraisers Page. New! Online Dana Opportunities
2024 PBT Board Members and Officers
Pasadena Buddhist Temple * 1993 Glen Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103 * (626) 798-4781 * [email protected]