Hope everyone had a nice Fourth of July yesterday. Except for the few fireworks going off in the middle of the night, it was pretty much just another day.
As I reflect on what is going on around the world, the message of "Put a smile on the face of others" seems appropriate for today's message.
I like to keep my messages short and simple so I often refer to the teachings in the book Buddha is Our Teacher by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism.) Most of the Dharma School kids should have this book because we gave them out last year.
I would like the kids to try to "Make people happy, not sad." Sounds simple, but do we really practice this on a daily basis? In the book, it says, "Don't do anything that makes you or others feel sad. Remember to do good things that make everyone feel happy."
In that light, the Dharma School will be delivering care packages to some of our elderly Sangha again. Last time the recipients were very appreciative of our efforts. If any families would like to make a donation, help with contacting the recipients, assembling the care packages or making the deliveries, please let me know. We appreciate any help we can get. We have set the date of assembling the care packages at the temple on Tuesday, July 21st and the delivery of the packages on Wednesday, July 22nd.
In closing, lets "Do good and lend a helping hand."
As I reflect on what is going on around the world, the message of "Put a smile on the face of others" seems appropriate for today's message.
I like to keep my messages short and simple so I often refer to the teachings in the book Buddha is Our Teacher by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism.) Most of the Dharma School kids should have this book because we gave them out last year.
I would like the kids to try to "Make people happy, not sad." Sounds simple, but do we really practice this on a daily basis? In the book, it says, "Don't do anything that makes you or others feel sad. Remember to do good things that make everyone feel happy."
In that light, the Dharma School will be delivering care packages to some of our elderly Sangha again. Last time the recipients were very appreciative of our efforts. If any families would like to make a donation, help with contacting the recipients, assembling the care packages or making the deliveries, please let me know. We appreciate any help we can get. We have set the date of assembling the care packages at the temple on Tuesday, July 21st and the delivery of the packages on Wednesday, July 22nd.
In closing, lets "Do good and lend a helping hand."